Physica D | The premier journal in Applied Nonlinear Dynamics |
Nonlinearity | Good mix, with a mathematical bias |
Chaos | AIP Journal with a good physical bent |
SIAM J. of Dynamical Systems | Online Journal with multimedia |
Chaos Solitons and Fractals | Low quality, some good applications |
Communications in Math Phys | an occasional paper on dynamics |
Comm. in Nonlinear Sci. and Num. Sim. | New Elsevier journal |
Complexity | |
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems | One of two parts produced by AIMS |
Dynamical Systems | formerly Dynamics and Stability of Systems |
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | Rigorous mathematics, and careful work |
International J of Bifurcation and Chaos | lts of color pictures, variable quality. |
J Differential Equations | A premier journal, but very mathematical |
J Dynamics and Diff. Eq. | good, more focused version of the above |
J Fluid Mechanics | Some expt. papers, e.g. transition to turbulence |
J Nonlinear Science | |
J Statistical Physics | Used to contain seminal dynamical systems papers |
Nonlinear Dynamics | Haven't read enough to form an opinion |
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics | New, variable quality...may be improving |
Physics Letters A | Has a good nonlinear science section |
Physical Review E | Lots of Physics articles with nonlinear emphasis |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | Russian Journal |